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EMG/ESB LLC was founded in 1992. The company initiates and organizes its own business events and coordinates turn-key events to the third companies order.

Providing all the necessary conditions for efficient business communication, experience and information exchange on the events venue, company helps its clients broaden business contacts and establish mutually beneficial relations with foreign colleagues, receive relevant information and find interesting decisions.



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saint Petersburg State University of Economics” (UNECON) is one of the largest economic universities in the country and leaders in economic education in Russia, the recent history of which is closely connected with integration processes in higher education in modern Russia.

The university was established on August 1, 2012 as a result of the merger of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance and the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics. In the future, another university was attached to the University – St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics.